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Get Back at Gravity with a Breast Lift

For a number of reasons, many women feel like gravity has taken over their bodies, specifically their breasts. Sagging breasts, often accompanied by enlarged areolas can be confidence- crushers, not to mention physically uncomfortable.

We look at how you can get back at gravity with a breast lift, which will reduce the size of both your breasts and areolas. If you’re ready to fight back against gravity’s persistent pull, check out what’s involved with a safe and effective breast lift. (more…)

Black and White Adult Woman in a Bra

Can I Get Breast Implants Without Getting a Breast Lift?

The short answer? Absolutely.

Many women get breast implants without needing a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy. As with all plastic surgery matters, the decision is a personal one. However, some doctors might recommend a breast lift in order to realize better results for their patients. If so, a breast lift will likely be discussed as an option either during or following the breast implant procedure. The timing is somewhat irrelevant as a mastopexy performed during or post-augmentation delivers the same results.
