Woman with Under Arm

Am I a Good Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery?

A common concern expressed by our patients is the saggy appearance of their upper arms, and whether or not arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, would be a good solution. Both men and women have shared frustrations with the excessive skin on their upper arms, even despite following a healthy diet and committing to a workout regimen.

Fortunately, body contouring has come a long way and arm lift surgeries are increasingly common, thanks to their overall effectiveness in improving the appearance and tone of the upper arm area. (more…)

Belly and Weight Loss

Am I a good candidate for Liposuction? What You Should Know

Liposuction, also known as suction-assisted lipectomy or lipo, is a popular cosmetic procedure that removes fat from hard-to-lose areas of the body. I perform tumescent Liposuction which is the most commonly performed type of liposuction and has been providing excellent, safe and consistent results for over 30 years. During your consultation we will discuss your areas of concern and what can be done to achieve your desired results.

Topless Woman with Boxing Gloves

Breast Implants — Better Below or Above the Muscle?

During client consultations, we often discuss breast implant placement and whether breast implants are better positioned beneath or above the muscle. When it comes to determining proper breast implant placement, submuscular (below) vs. subglandular (above), there is no one size fits all. Granted, the majority of breast implants are placed beneath the muscle; however, in some specific cases, it’s appropriate to place them above. A few key factors, like athletic activity, postpartum conditions, and ptosis, make the case for the subglandular placement of breast implants. (more…)

Woman with Measuring Tape Around Her Middle

Understanding a Panniculectomy vs. an Abdominoplasty

A common question from many of our clients following significant weight loss is whether they would benefit from a panniculectomy or an abdominoplasty. While the nuances between the two can be confusing, the basic difference between a panniculectomy and an abdominoplasty can be summed up by the design principle of form vs. function. In this case, a panniculectomy is function, whereas an abdominoplasty is cosmetic. (more…)

Black and White Adult Woman in a Bra

Can I Get Breast Implants Without Getting a Breast Lift?

The short answer? Absolutely.

Many women get breast implants without needing a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy. As with all plastic surgery matters, the decision is a personal one. However, some doctors might recommend a breast lift in order to realize better results for their patients. If so, a breast lift will likely be discussed as an option either during or following the breast implant procedure. The timing is somewhat irrelevant as a mastopexy performed during or post-augmentation delivers the same results.


Skin Care Products: Facts & Fairytales

Everywhere you look, magazines, television, radio you are struck with a barrage of advertising for products that imply miraculous results. Advertising can mislead the consumer into purchasing a product that can never deliver by using phrases such as “diminishes the visual signs of . . . ” or “reduces the appearance of . . .” These phrases do nothing more than imply and most consumers believe. The consumer purchases the product, uses it as directed and once again, they are disappointed when the results fall short of the expectations that they had, based on the product’s advertising hype.


The World’s Best Wrinkle Cream: Topical Vitamin A

Topical Vitamin A is the World’s Best Wrinkle Cream

Well before Explorer Ponce de Leon set out for his quest to discover the Fountain of Youth, people have been searching for a way to stave off the effects of aging. If only Ponce de Leon could have lived in the early 1970’s, he would have seen FDA approval of Tretinoin, a prescription strength topical Vitamin A in 1971 and perhaps would have been content that the fountain of youth may very well come in a tube.


Plastic surgery: ‘Wild West’ of medicine

(CNN) — Martha* had decided to undergo a breast augmentation. She researched doctors and found one she thought was well-qualified; ads in magazines touted him as board-certified and a top plastic surgeon in the area.

Martha met with him for a consultation and underwent the procedure in his office several weeks later. But at home that night, she discovered a shocking sight:

Her breast implants were lodged in her armpits.

The next morning, she rushed back to her doctor's office. He inspected her chest and, with a quizzical look on his face, declared, "I have never seen this before."


Biofilms Cause Havoc for Breast Implants

Recent statistics show as many as 60-thousand patients a year  experience capsular contracture in the United States alone. It’s the most common complication of aesthetic and reconstructive breast implant surgery. The nearly 20 percent of  patients who develop capsular contracture *(see note below) will see signs of breast firmness, shape distortion, and sometimes pain within the first two years of breast implant surgery.
