
All Eyes on Ears: The Recent Increase in Adult Otoplasty or Ear Pinning

As we now know and have experienced, the coronavirus pandemic changed the way we think about almost everything. Between how we work, socialize and move around the world, there isn’t much that COVID-19 hasn’t called into question. 

The latest

Our ears, specifically whether or not we need an otoplasty. Maybe we’ve always needed one and just never noticed… or have our masks somehow made a slightly protruding set of ears now unmistakable. 

Labia reduction: Solving a very private postpartum problem

Labia Reduction: Solving a Very Private Postpartum Problem 

As if pregnancy and delivery — whether natural or via c-section — wasn’t stressful and transformative enough… 

Most, if not all, women struggle with the physical changes that commonly result from the whole experience. While many women worry about the appearance of loose skin following rapid weight gain and subsequent loss, others are very aware and concerned with the changes to their breasts, particularly if they opt to breastfeed their babies. 

The Mind-Body Connection

The Mind-Body Connection: How to Mentally Prep for Plastic Surgery

The decision to pursue plastic surgery is personal and the factors motivating each patient are different. Some are eager to correct a perceived flaw that has bothered them since childhood; others are anxious to restore their appearance after an injury, accident or prolonged illness. Pregnancy can be a big push (get it?) for many women to elect cosmetic surgery. 

Whatever the reason, it’s imperative that you prepare mentally before your surgery in order to support a smoother healing process. We have a few tips to help support the powerful mind-body connection before you head into surgery and during your recovery.

Areola reduction

Reasons to Opt for an Areola Reduction

Like any cosmetic procedure or plastic surgery, the decision to opt for areola reduction is a personal one. Motivated by a variety of factors for both men and women, areola reduction is a procedure that minimizes the size of the areola or nipple; in some cases, both. 

While some of our patients elect to have an areola reduction as part of a breast lift or breast reduction, some book an areola reduction exclusively. 

What's the difference between silicone and saline implants infographic

Which is best? Silicone vs. Saline Implants

If breast augmentation is on your holiday wish list, you might be wondering which type of breast implant is best — silicone or saline? As with most cosmetic procedures, there isn’t a single answer to this question. Often, the best option is dependent on each patient. Even so, there are some important distinctions to know between the two, which might help you decide which type of implant you prefer. 

Check out our helpful guide and graphic to learn the difference between silicone and saline breast implants.

Mommy Makeovers: More than Just Looks

Mommy Makeovers: More than Just Looks

Motherhood is all about evolution. From conception through pregnancy and, finally, the postpartum period, often referred to as the “fourth trimester,” a woman’s body undergoes continual changes, ranging from subtle to significant. 

It’s no wonder that so many women struggle to feel like their old selves after having a baby and often report feelings of low self-confidence, lack of libido, and even depression. 

A “mommy makeover” might be just what the doctor ordered to help a woman feel more like herself — if not better — after pregnancy. 

The one plastic surgery industry secret your should know

The One Plastic Surgery Industry Secret You Should Know

Have you ever wondered what sort of advice plastic surgeons give their friends and family? What kinds of secrets do they offer those closest to them who ask for an honest opinion about their appearance? 

It’s impossible to know for sure, but there is one top trick to looking younger that they all know about. No, it’s not the elusive Fountain of Youth; in fact, it’s in your hands. When it comes to unlocking a more youthful appearance, you’re actually the one holding the key…

Male face

Not “Just” a Nose Job – Understanding the Physical Motivations for Rhinoplasty

If you’re considering rhinoplasty, we understand you might feel sensitive about the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding “nose jobs.” The truth is, while rhinoplasty can do wonders to correct or enhance the appearance of your nose, there are other — perhaps more significant — physical benefits that motivate some people to consider a nose job in the first place. 
